The Cluetrain Stops at Higher Ed, Will Anyone Take Delivery?

Presentation Materials

Contact Information

Mark Greenfield

Director of Web Services
Mail Drop: 109 Norton Hall
Office Location: 454 Porter Hall
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14260
Phone: (716)645-2811
Fax: (716)645-7761


The Cluetrain Manifesto” is best described as a cross between “In Search of Excellence” and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”. Provocative, pretentious and brilliant, this seminal book describes how the Internet will mean the end of business as usual. And yes, it is directly applicable to the work we do. Part rant, part history lesson, part hope for the future, brace yourself for a wild ride as we explore the end of higher ed as usual, how the themes from Cluetrain provide a framework for our profession, and what this all means for us both individually and organizationally.

Cluetrain Website: