Tuesday, June 14, 2011
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (eastern)

Originating from the 2011 Penn State Web Conference

HashTag  #hesms

Come join me for the 3rd annual Higher Education Social Media Summit where we will be discussing the challenges and opportunities of utilizing social media in higher education.

The format will be much different than a typical workshop. Following the principles of an unconference, we will leverage the wisdom of the crowd in an open environment where everyone’s participation is encouraged.

In addition to those attending in person at Penn State,  we will be using ustream to stream the event live and allow our virtual attendees to participate in the proceedings.  The URL for the summit is http://www.ustream.tv/user/PSUWebConf. For those of you who want to participate on Twitter, delicious, Flickr, etc., the hashtag for the event is #hesms

Discussion topics will be chosen by participants.  To facilitate conversation both before, during  and after the summit, I have added an instance for the Social Media Summit at the Harvard’s Live Question Tool:


Some ideas I have for discussion include:

  • How mature is social media in higher ed
  • Who owns social media
  • How do you measure social media
  • How will social media scale
  • What does the future hold

Please submit your questions and vote and reply to existing questions. I plan on using the information gathered to drive our live discussion on June 14.

I would like to extend a special thanks to Patti Fantaske and the other conference organizers at Penn State for allowing me to continue to push the envelope. The first two summits were a huge success with several hundred people participating and I am hoping for the same this year.

I look forward to an interesting afternoon.  Hope to see you there.