I would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Social Media Summit. I was very happy with the outcome.  Below are links to the recording and related materials:

I am in the process of formulating my final thoughts on the summit which I will share in an upcoming post. I had numerous goals for the summit, and overall most of these goals were met.  The most important one was to create connections among higher education web professionals, especially where these connections didn’t previously exist. Mission accomplished as illustrated in my favorite tweet from the backchannel:

skirubbi: Best part of #smsummit is all the new friends made. And isn’t that really the point of social media? To be SOCIAL??

Special thanks goes to my friends at Penn State for allowing me to stretch the boundaries of a traditional conference workshop,  along with my guest presenters Jordan and Brad for adding their knowledge and expertise to the conversation.  (More from Jordan in the near future.)