A New Design and a New Approach

Over the past few days I have been in a soft launch of a new design to this website. It was long overdue.  The last time the site was redesigned was in 2009 and it had come to look very outdated. It also wasn’t optimized for mobile.  Mobile traffic on my site...

Pardon Our Dust

This week I will be making a long overdue update to the design of this site. As I make the transition to the new design there will probably be a few things that are not working correctly. As long as there are no unexpected complications, I expect the site to be back...

Am I Turning into a Luddite!

How complicated should a kitchen faucet be? That is the question I have asked myself twice in the last two months. We had our kitchen remodeled a year ago and we allowed my daughter to decide what faucet we should buy. To no one’s surprise, she choose the Moen...